Ama's KPOP Themed 22nd @ The Daulat

I really need to start taking pictures of my staycation more seriously. I'm talking about close up shots of the little details from the exterior to the interior, bathroom essentials, so on and so forth. Well obviously I'm no pro blogger sponsored to be doing legit reviews but I'd like to think of this as a personal detailed account of the hotels I've stayed in. Seeing how the human mind can only store up so little of our memories, I like looking back at my blog to read up on the various milestones I've experienced in my life. As of right now, it doesn't take a frequent reader to notice I haven't exactly been "home". There's at least 2-3 years worth of blogging and assembling the missing pieces to this blog seems almost impossible. But.. I must try...

That aside, this was a surprise planned for Amalina for her 22nd @ The Daulat. Oh, The Daulat.. I've been wanting to come here since I saw pictures of this quaint little boutique hotel smacked in the middle of Little India and honestly, don't you think a birthday is such a ridiculously great excuse for a staycation and a sleepover? Am I right? Right! The very friendly Uncle at the front desk was genuinely nice and clearly good at what he does. He knew there were going to be the four of us having a mini celebration and made a "Shhh.." gesture and offered us complimentary drinks from the refreshment area.

We settled for the Loft Room, which was relatively small even though it was the second biggest room available. Regardless of it's size, the hotel provided a sense of coziness and cleverly used it's space to provide the most they can, squeezing in a tiny wardrobe, a separate shower area, a humble side table and a one person sofa on the first floor. But... what set me off was how the wooden floors were very dusty and sandy. It was easily noticeable with my dirty feet as hard evidence. Nevertheless, it wasn't a deal breaker so we simply brushed it off and started working on our surprise preparations. Amalina's a big, big, Big Bang fan and it's no secret she's all about the KPOP scene so....

...KPOP Themed! Or should I say, more like BIG BANG themed party! And obviously she's Taeyang biased.

Because cakes are overrated? Hahaha no it's just that we'd much rather binge of yummy strudels!

Yes, we had a staycation in the middle of the fasting month. Who says having a staycation is an excuse to ponteng? Oh my god, speaking of which, Nadee had to go home for a short while to break fast with her maternal side so the remaining 3 of us decided to dine out for break fast at a restaurant called Kebabs & Curries tucked away in the rooftop of Little India's heartbeat, Mustafa Centre. Who knew right? 

The next thing I know was, it was roughly 5 minutes before break fast and... I felt something. I had a bad feeling and if your gut tells you so it ain't a good feeling, you know it aint good. True enough, went to the toilet to get it checked and bam.. hello old friend, we meet again. I was starving and I had to deal with this?! 5 minutes before break fast. 5 minutes! The nerve.. hahahaha. Surely you could have waited for at least 5 more minutes. Thank god this entire building was pretty much a supermarket so I went to THE section and quickly bought a pack, put it on and went straight back to the rooftop because like I said, I was famished. I could finally dig into my paper those and it. was. good.

Waited for Nadee to get back before we went for a night swim at the Daulat's pathetats pool. I don't know why we had high expectations for a boutique hotel but we surely didn't expect it to be this small. The tiles surrounding the sides of the pool were a bit mouldy and honestly, I wasn't feeling it at all. The pool seriously cannot make it. Our conscience became clear when a lizard peek-a-booed from the bouyant and yeap, that was it. There was nothing more that I want to do with this pool than to get out of it, immediately. We barely got in for 15 minutes and it took a damn baby lizard to scare us off. 

After that pool incident, we dreaded showering so much. All of us were pretty much tired and so close to retiring for the night but surely this was not how we want to end our staycation. We gathered every ounce of energy we have left, took turns taking a warm shower, dressed up and put on make up for our feeling KPOP themed photoshoot.

Feeling KPOP themed was a success! The thing about us you see is we strongly believe that if we don't take a lot of pictures we'd regret it the next day and true enough, thank god we got off our asses and made the extra effort to have a little bit of fun. The rest of the night was spent on deciding what bloody movie we were going to watch but nothing seemed to be good and when we finally settled on She's the Man, all of us were already sleepy after emptying 2 boxes of 20 piece nuggets so.. You guessed it, fell asleep with the television switch on.