G.Spa Getaway - Mariah's 24th


For Mariah's 24th, we cracked our heads hard thinking where should we go because honestly we were running out of ideas and our different work schedules wouldn't allow a staycation and basically we are just getting old and tired. Initially we thought of having dinner at Salt Grill & Sky Bar because well, you know.. We want to try feeling atas doing things like fine dining and shit and laser tag after which but due to time constraints, it was just an overall bad idea. Why? Nadee had work in the morning and two weddings to attend consecutively. Coincidentally, I wasn't feeling quite too well myself so thankfully we were already set on a little spa hideaway in Singapore.

First and foremost, this china gal wanted a luggage for her present so we got one right off Zalora a week before our spa date and a matching pink polka dots strap and luggage tag from Cath Kidston! It was that easy and Zalora delivered earlier than expected and Mariah loved her pink luggage as you can see. Seeing how we wouldn't want her to dragging around her birthday present, we decided to surprise her at home instead. How apt. Everything was good up till this point......

We hopped into our Grab and the driver disclosed the location. Oh, the horror! Prior to this, I brought up about G.spa to Mariah because that was one of the plans we were considering for Nadee's 23rd just a month ago but we ended up forgoing the idea and lost our voice and probably souls to the karaoke. Fortunately, Mariah has no clue what is in store for her because honestly, none of us have ever gone there and quite possible no one else we know have been there either so the surprise wasn't a complete bust, yet, technically. Fret not, there is still hope!


This hidden gem here is located at Guillermard Road and every so often, people are quick to dismiss from the old exterior of the building that G.Spa resides in. There is no less cliche phrase that best describes this place and that is, "Do not judge a book by its covers" because this place looks damn lit.  Best of all, G.Spa is opened 24 hours like say whaaat? I know.. up-top.

G.Spa provides you with all the basic necessities from disposable under wears, bras, toothbrush, hairdryer, comb, hair brush etc. How neat is that?! Girls being girls, we took a lot of pictures from ig stories to snapchats and obviously I had to whip out my DSLR. It's not everyday, you go to spa house, am I right? After getting changed and quite possibly taking the longest time to do so, we were famished. Hangry? No problem.


Spa admission includes unlimited helpings of food from their dining area so.. Jackpot! We can literally live here. Technically, admissions are full day so if we checked in at 6 in the evening, we legit can stay a whole 24 hours until 6 in the evening the next day! Money well spent, I'd say. 

Gorged ourselves with chicken dim sums, siu mais and curry chicken until we no longer can. Prior to this, we booked a full body massage for Mariah at 9:00pm so we still had about an hour to go so....


Jacuzzi it is! Climbing up the staircase to the jacuzzi and steam room was a chore and if you're a solo, you wouldn't want to solo this spa retreat. A bit eerie but then again, I'm a hardcore scaredy cat and I watch too many horror movies but if you heed my advice, bring your friends because the more the merrier, duh.

Congrats guys, we found our second home. Hahahahaha!

The lighting on this mirror was damn lit, man. We couldn't get enough of it as you can see.

The jacuzzi was really nice and hot. The first dip was the hardest because you need to get your body to adapt to the warm temperature of the hot pool but the trick was, don't hesitate. But of course, before going in, spa etiquette people, "Please shower before entering the pool." 15 mins in, we were sweating like legit sweating from the hot steam but it felt really good. Like you know this stuff is healthy for you and your clogged pores opening up hahaha.

A quarter to 9, we entered the steam room and my god, took a damn while for our body to adjust to the confined space and the moist heat. It was relatively small and you could just feel the hot and wet air trapped and honestly, it was very hard to breathe. Limit your movements, pace your breathing and most importantly, calm da fak down. We stayed for about 10 mins and we were so done hahaha. First thing's first, checked the mirror and true enough, we could see all these tiny whiteheads and blackheads just waiting to be popped. Took a nice cold shower (to close up the pores) and sent Mariah off for her massage!

In the meantime, Nadee and I headed for the relaxation lounge by the dining area to check out the entertainment systems mounted on the lounge chairs. It was honestly, pretty frustrating because most of them are faulty so we got tired and decided to sleep instead. The relaxation lounge wasn't too cold, and the dim lighting provided a cosy feel, making it easier to fall into a deep slumber and best of all, they even provided us with fresh blankets! It was a done deal, we were sure we weren't going home that night.

We woke up just in time for Mariah's session to end and made our last glutton order from the cafe. Basically, the entire night we were either lounging at the cafe or the relaxation lounge. It was the life. Eat, sleep, repeat. I ain't complaining to that. Two years into the working life, what a better way to spend your days off.

By 8:00am the following morning, we were all awake and hungry. Made our way to the dining area but unfortunately, cafe doesn't open for orders before 12:00 noon. Thankfully, they served generous amounts of piping hot dim sums at the self-help section so who's complaining? After breakfast, we decided to use the jacuzzi one last time before we check out and officially bid farewell to our second home.


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