Nadee's 22nd @ Naomi Liora

Upon checking in, we were greeted warmly by the concierge at the Naomi Liora. Although he looked like your regular ah beng, he was incredibly nice and offered a late check out at 3 o'clock the next day. That's definitely a first for a boutique hotel. How neat! This birthday excuse for a staycation is already going so well. How exciting is this! I can't deny, my love for hotels is ever-growing.


My friends don't call me the Hotel Queen for no reason. It's because I'm honestly just good but mostly meticulous at scouting for trendy and chic hotels in this tiny red dot island we all call home. Main criteria whilst looking for a hotel; swimming pool and balcony. Sounds simple right? No. It's been proven that choices are very limited here especially when you have a budget of S$250. Everything is just so damn expensive and overpriced. With S$250/night I could book myself a 3-room villa in Bali or a 5 star hotel in Phuket! But life here in Singapore, it is what it is. So here's the rest of the room..

The Liora Porch Room was where we stayed and although it wasn't the room I hoped for as seen on the pictures from blog reviews, I must admit it was pretty damn spacious. When we first stepped out onto the porch there were only 3 chairs and seeing how there were 4 of us, I called up the front desk to request for another chair and to my pleasant surprise, the awesome staff were swift in delivering! Another plus point to team Naumi Liora. 


The cheeky little monkeys in us settled on sexy undies for Nadee because... Out with the old granny panties and in with the new (because somebody finally got herself a potential boyfriend)! Paired with a Chanel lipstick which was seemingly the most expensive lipstick we have ever bought and will ever buy in fact. 

Because Nde Del Rey is all about them flowers, so a floral Lana Del Rey themed it was. We had Ama escort Nadee separately, tricking her into thinking that we were going to have lunch at Potato Head Folk which was literally right opposite Naomi Liora. If not for Ayu who sent us there which made everything a lot more easier since we had a lot to carry, I don't know what would have become of me. I'd probably have fainted. To think that I ended work at 2 o'clock, oh my god I don't even know how I did it. Mind you, it was a Parent-Teacher Meeting. Something I've been dreading but I'm very pleased with the turn out and the parents were thankfully easy to get along with. That aside.. Surprise was a success!


But of course, what's a spacious balcony without our....

...signature Steamboat Dinner!

There was a slight drizzle as we were setting up our steamboat but thank god for no heavy downpours except cloudy skies. I was the only one on a low-carb diet so I made beef lettuce wraps and steered clear of any rice intake nevertheless dinner was good and filling. You can never go wrong with steamboat and it's ridiculously cheap if compared to dining out.  Picking a hotel with a balcony or a porch was without a doubt the right thing to do. After filling our tummies with such meaty yumminess, my fatigue started to take a toll on me and lighting up a cigarette was the way to do it. Such a damn chill night and it reminded us a lot about how much we loved our porch back at Parc Sovereign during Mar's 22nd. 

As the night crept in, something rather ridiculous yet amusing happened. What seemed like a pair of lizards slowly made their way towards us and obviously me, I went hysterical. Every time I shouted, they lizards would quickly go back to where they came from and went into hiding. Knowing how I am, I made damn sure they stayed there so I never let my guard down. This happened twice and I could have sworn one of the lizards' head was literally peeking at me to see if I'm watching. And true enough, the moment I let my guard down, they tried to make their way towards us again. How disgusting can that get?! Not cute at all please. 

Fortunately, that was it but sadly Ama had to leave early due to her exams coming up so we managed to see her off. Everything afterwards starting spiralling down for me and my body could not hold up any longer. I was already coming down with a bad flu and feeling rather feverish. Our initial plan was to head out to the rooftop bar just opposite at the Potato Head Folk but seeing how I was, it was going to happen anytime soon. The girls went down to buy me a pack of Panadol and after which, I pretty much K.O-ed and only woke up from my nap sometime after midnight.

Everything before I K.O-ed was a blur but I definitely remember Nadee and Mariah sneakily asking me in my sleep if we could go clubbing lol. I'd hate to be a party pooper so I eventually got off the bed to wash up. Big no to clubbing after that whole drama but I did succumb to their alternative plan and  went to the only bar that was opened nearby. Sadly the rooftop bar at Potato Head Folk closed early but all in all, it was a good and chill night.